Thursday, March 31, 2005

Good View - Chiang Mai

Summary: good view - shite food.

I realise that we are straying out of the Bangkok zone here but sometimes it's nice to get out and see the rest of Thailand. I whisked Dad up to Chiang Mai for some relaxing, scenic trips. Unfortunately I wish I'd asked for serious advice on where to eat in Chiang Mai first.

Like a divvy, I took my dad along the riverside to eat. We ignored Riverside (though how I wish now that we hadn't) and instead were enticed into Good View by the pretty lanterns they suspend from the trees. It was busy and had a small stage with live music/karaoke (hard to tell). The menu was funky and nicely presented and I really really liked their slate beer mat thingys (temporarily have forgotten the word).

But besides that the food was lame. It's possible that one could class Good View as more of a bar than a restaurant, but if you're going to pay the same amount of baht I reckon one should expect the same quality.

First up: steamed fish. My dad picked at it and immediately said it wasn't fresh. The flesh was all mashed as if it had been defrosted. He also said it smelt 'very fishy'. This of course sounds absolutely wacky - after all, it is fish! But in Chinese there's a word 'xing' which means to smell very fish like and not in a good way. We returned the fish and the waiters didn't seem surprised. My dad slipped one of the managers a card for Seafood Supermarket.

Next the rice: cold. Sent that back. It was returned luke warm quite a while later. The veg was OK but nothing to shout home about. And then the beef trundled along - beef in garlic. Very mediocre and hard to chew. Overall with the dishes coming in dribs and drabs and it all so ... crap... we left very unsatisfied.

I'm probably terribly spoilt by Bangkok food but I hate it when I have a crap meal.


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